January so far
Hello from my small part of the world. In this post I share stories about books, gardens, quilts and other interests with you.
You can also find me on my website, Instagram, and Bluesky.
So far, I’ve managed to gloss over all those posts on social media about setting goals, lighting candles and choosing a word of the year. I’m pleased if doing those things makes other people feel good but they’re not for me.
I enjoy meandering through life, picking up new hobbies and ideas as I go. I don’t set personal goals and there’s no way I choose a word ‘to guide me’. Somehow, I manage to enjoy my life regardless. 😊
From my garden
My cherries never eventuated. Although there were masses of small green fruit, they disappeared (birds? the dry weather?). I couldn’t see any green clusters on the ground so it’s a mystery. Ever hopeful, I’ll prune the tree and cover it with a net next year to see if that makes any difference.
I’m currently in love with these cosmos flowers I grew from seeds from The Seed Collection. This one is ‘Cupcakes Blush’ and, on the afternoon of the day I took this photo, it was shredded by a hailstorm. Next time they flower, I’ll cut the blooms and enjoy them inside in a vase.
The garden beds have been parched because we’ve had little rain here during past months. That was until I bought a garden sprinkler. It’s rained every day since (of course it has).
From my imagination
Have you been reading my Summer Stories? I’ve posted three so far (with more to come) and you can read them on my website. I’d appreciate a comment there if you enjoy them.
I’ve actually finished a quilt! It’s for my goddaughter’s daughter and I’ll show a photo after she’s received it. It’s rare for me to finish a quilt project so I’m thrilled.
I’m back on the sewing machine after hand stitching for most of last year. It’s time to complete the outstanding projects I have so they can be admired instead of being piled in pieces on the shelf. Or not. Let’s see how I go.
Thanks for reading Creative Dabbling. I appreciate it.